Monday 8 February 2010

The Letter Collector

The finished video, got an A!!

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Frames for animation

The first picture is going to be the camera starting left zoomed in, going right zooming out. The camera will seem like it is following the character as he approaches town.

This is going to be a short shot, probably the second shot of the animation, i want it to seem eerie and lonely, zoomed in on the lettering on the floor, with just the candle light flickering the camera will zoom out to reveal the whole room.

The building on its own here with the moonlight from behind is going to be the first shot, Using about 6 of the same shots only moving the cloud over the moon, and also adding shadow to the building and light from behind. This is going to be a long draw out shot. with the credits rolling down the screen. I want a sense of wonder from the audience, later on in the animation reveals the intentions of the ghost.

These 4 frames of the ghost leaving his house were all about layers using photoshop, the door was a seperate layer to the inside which was a seperate layer to the wall outside.
I payed intricate detail to the doorlock especially as kids seeing this animation are very perceptive.

For the shot of my ghost walking through town, i used the same background image and just drew him in different positions. Using after effects i will blur the images into each other, giving the effect that he is moving, also in each background i changed the light and shadows on the buildings according to where his torch is.

Monday 23 March 2009

Song for the ghost giant

The idea i have is to have this story of a ghost giant with an affinity for collecting letters and write a relevent song that goes with the story.

("Ive got so much to say,
But cannot open my mouth,
I hide away in the day,
And ponder my thoughts in a lonely house,
See im from around here but you wouldn't know,
Because i lost my friends a long time ago,
I collect letters every night,
And even if i could spell i wouldn't know what to write.")

7 illustrations storyboard

Friday 27 February 2009